RICH VS POOR MINDSET | Eye-opening interview with Robert Kiyosaki

The outdated idea is to go to school, get a job, work hard, save money, get out of debt and invest for a long time in the stock market Look, why can you save money when they print billions of dollars? The gap between 1% and 99% is very large. You see, it's not just money, you have to go back and look at the big picture. So what are you doing? In all our people there is a poor person, there is still a poor person inside me. There is also a middle-class person and a middle-class person who wants security wants that fixed amount. And there's some rich man And they're all in us except ... It's not taught. Teaching - going to school, getting a job, and getting paid. You have not been taught how to get rich. If you have read Rich Father Poor Father, my rich father refused to pay me.

He said paying is one of the most damaging things you can take in your life. He says when you take a salary you are an employee and that is a way of thinking. So my rich father did not pay me. He called my poor father, you know, a civil servant. "You have to pay people, you pay people" And the rich father didn't say the salary was wrong, he said he didn't want to be a slave to money. So as an entrepreneur, you know, if a rich dad is wrapped up I try another company. I don't need to be paid. I don't need anyone to take care of me. If my government doesn't like me I go abroad because they need businessmen there. So entrepreneurs are not so much business, the entrepreneur is a thought and a set of skills and rules are different.

You see, I do not work the small business does not work with the same rules as big business. An entrepreneur thinks first, a set of skills and rules. And depending on whether you work or a small business the rules are different, the minds are different, the skill sets are different. If you can't say one thing to someone who has never been an entrepreneur and they are thinking of making a transgression of faith to be an entrepreneur, what can you tell them? Well, I'll just tell them the same thing that happened to me. You know, my last salary, I still vividly remember that it was one of the best days of my life and I was in Puerto Rico, I was there, I worked for Xerox and my boss gave me one last time, Paying was a bonus check I thought was taxed at about $ 30,000, the only problem.

So I got this test and I went, "Holy mackerel." You know, I mean, so I was happy but I was also upset. So this other boy came to me, his name was John and John said to me he said to me this, "he will come back." I said "Why?" he says, "because you will fail." I looked at him and said, "look ... a few descriptive words Because that's what he did, he left the Xerox, he failed to come back. I said," look ... You fail and you come back but I will fail and I will never come back. "And that's the attitude. - You know what I mean, - yes If you say," Well if I fail I'll go back to mom and dad "so that's what 'I'll do. So if you fail, then I became an entrepreneur because I had no money. , I had no money to pay But that is what my rich father encouraged me to do.

When do you say, when you do not have the money you earn you are hungry, smart and a test of your character will you become a villain? Will you be dishonest? Will you cheat and steal? Or will you be a better person? Who you are when you have nothing. So you always have to look at the big picture. Too many people are watching, "well, what, what's going to happen to me? "If you look at the big picture, you will also know that if something bad happens something good will happen. But you have to be prepared for anything that comes your way. But most people don't look at the expiration date in their brain Instead of getting out of debt I get into debt.I have just increased $ 300 million in debt from 5% to 2.5% of the interest I have made.Many money comes in because of my financial expenses So when some financial experts say get out of debt, I say learn how to use credit. See when I came back to serve in Vietnam in January 73 and the first thing my dad said to me was, "Go to school and learn how to invest in sales." damage real estate, was how to use debt and taxes debt and taxes make the rich richer. Debt and taxes make the poor and middle class poor.

So all the rich people who are doctors and lawyers or ... you know, those people, they're anointed - and they don't know why - doctors are anointed with cream? Oh, yes, they make a lot of money but getting back home is small. You know, my doctor just yelled at me that he was happy, and said, "Oh, guess what I ended up making a million dollars." And I said, "Yes", this is just three weeks ago. So I said, "Well, how much do you pay in taxes?" He says, "$ 750,000 tax." So his net was almost $ 400,000 That's not bad but if I make a million bucks, I save a million bucks. And the reason is that I don't do it for money. See if you earn money for your taxes. That is why the number one lesson of the Rich Father the Poor Father is that the rich do not work for money. What we do instead is build businesses as entrepreneurs. We find the treasure. I do not invest in stock markets So the reason is that as an entrepreneur I have a lot of control over my income, how much I make, and how much I pay in taxes. And because I am a businessman and an investor in real estate I pay zero taxes. So every time I made that I went for millions of dollars as an entrepreneur I immediately invested in real estate, and I had 4 to 1 steps.

So I put in a billion dollars in sales, earning four million in the bank. That's why I like banks. But the banks twist everyone you know, scary but good for me. I thought that printing is good for you but when you print it is not good for people who work for money. Because when you print savers they are identified and people who work for money are identified. When they print debtors they get rich. You see, debt and taxes make the rich richer, and debt and taxes make the poor and the middle class poorer. When we have ideas that don't work we get results that don't work. So what happens to most people is the idea of ​​going to school, getting a job, working hard, saving money, getting out of debt, buying your house because it is the property, and investing for a long time. It no longer works. The world has changed, the world changed in 1971 when President Nixon moved from the level of gold and money to debt. What if we finish school and what happens? Would it be better if we did not have a study program at all? No, I say that education was very important in the past, it no longer works. You know, there's a law of Morey that says ... Moore's law that details are doubled every 18 months. In other words, everything is no longer working, 18 months.

So, and this is the latest thing. So when you come out of school, you're out of date, that's why I'm an old boy, you know, meeting my friends, I went to Harvard. Yes, I went to Harvard. I said, "Yeah, how many 50 years ago?" Today banks charge your interest on savings. In other words, banks do not want your money because they are too print. And that's why there are bubbles and stocks and bubbles in real estate and all this. People are wasting money. Because as I said here, "Saviors are lost and money is garbage" And then people, "Yes, I want a high-paying job." That's an outdated idea. Get out of debt, it's a no-brainer. You need to learn how to get into debt. How to use credit to get rich and they will never teach you about taxes. The reason is that 1% has increased here and 99% goes this way because when you print money two things happen in inflation and taxes. It crushes them. And any businessman who thinks "I'll just make money and start a business and make a lot of money because what we're talking about is the smell of roses. You know, that's not what real business people do. They are self-employed. They are called unemployed entrepreneurs. They are self-employed, but they are not really entrepreneurs. Self-employed people pay the highest taxes and no one tells them that. we all have a foreign economy. But we also have an internal economy and the power to change our internal economy. So for me, I see the good, I see the bad I don't know really give badly. Because I will also be rich. cook All they will see is a bad economy.

Because they do not know how to make money in any economy. And the average person, they have a middle-class economy who knows what they want in a good house, a solid salary and a job and a car. And then if you take their job and take them to them that's a disaster. Of course, as a businessman does not have a job anyway, it is not a big deal. So all I say to people is what Bucky Fuller taught me. There are always two sides, you know what I mean, you know how to use at least two plural. So if you think the economy is bad, it is because your economy is bad. If you think that is stable, you know, employment is important - you will see the economy without jobs. - Your economy is compared to a foreign economy. Where you control VS Where you can control I can control yes, it is called, it is called internal focus compared to an external focus.

So real entrepreneurs focus on the inside but when they fall down they say, "Oh, this is good because I'm going to go upstairs." You know, a normal person would fall down and say "Oh, I'll take Prozac" or, or - or someone with a mistake, all mistakes don't care about mistakes, important mistakes, it means you didn't know anything. But a real businessman, whether they fall down or walk away, can always go up. They can stand back up. That no matter what happens to them they become stronger and better and smarter and happier. But a person with a weak inner mind is more afraid of what is happening, it happens more often. As you know, people who are afraid of losing their jobs often lose their jobs. - You know what I mean, - yes, no doubt, so everything comes through you Yes, so the first job of entrepreneurship is to control within here and not out there. The moment you take that paycheck you are an employee You should be stronger than that. It’s about internal control.